Error bar charts
Last updated: May 01, 2024
Error bar charts
Error bar charts represent the variability of data and indicate the error (or uncertainty) in a reported measurement. Error bars help determine whether differences are statistically significant. Error bars can also suggest goodness of fit for a specific function.

Creating a simple error bar chart

  1. In the Chart Type section, click the Error bar icon.

    The canvas updates to display an error bar chart template.

  2. Select a scale variable as the Category variable (the variable whose data is represented on the X-axis).
  3. Select a variable as the Y-axis variable (the variable whose data is represented on the Y-axis).
  4. Click the Save visualization in the project control. Select Create a new asset or Append to existing asset. Provide a Visualization asset name, an optional description, and a chart name.
  5. Click Apply to save the visualization to the project. The new visualization asset is now available on the Assets tab.


Lists variables that are available for the chart's X-axis.
Lists variables that are available for the chart's Y-axis.
Category order
Select the order in which variable categories are sorted.
As read
Variable categories are presented as they appear in the data set.
Sort variable categories in ascending order.
Sort variable categories in descending order.
Split by
Select a categorical variable that creates a table of charts, with a cell for each category in the Split by variable. Like grouping, split by variables essentially add more dimensions to your chart by displaying information for each variable category.
Reference line
When enabled, displays a reference line on the chart. The reference line correlates with the selected Statistical method.
Error bars
When enabled, the lines that represent the range of error are displayed in the chart.
Select the measure type that is represented by the error bars:
Confidence intervals
Sets the confidence intervals for the selected variables. The default value is 0.95 (95%), as reflected in the Represent value field.
Standard error
Measures the standard error of the selected variables.
Standard deviation
Measures the standard deviations of the selected variables.
Confidence level
This value represents the confidence intervals for the selected Measure. The default value is 0.95 (95%).
Statistical method
Select the method for describing the central tendency:
The result of summing the ratios and dividing the result by the total number ratios.
The value such that number of ratios less than this value and the number of ratios greater than this value are the same.
Display mode
Select how the Statistical method selection displays (bar, line, or circle).
Legend orient
Sets the chart legend orientation. Available options are Horizontal, Vertical, and Vertical bottom.
Primary title
The chart title.
The chart subtitle.
The chart footnote.
XAxis label
The x-axis label.
YAxis label
The y-axis label.