Publishing virtual data to the catalog in Watson Query
You can publish your virtual data to catalogs in IBM Knowledge Catalog.
By publishing your virtual data to a catalog, you can complete the following tasks.- Organize, label, classify, and search for the published data assets by using global search.
- Govern the virtual data asset and subject it to data protection rules. For more information, see Governing virtual data with data protection rules in Watson Query.
In Watson Query, you can use two methods to publish assets to a catalog. You can choose to enforce publishing of all assets to a primary catalog or you can allow users to choose to publish to any catalog that they have the Manager or Editor role for.
If you want to enforce publishing to a primary catalog, a Watson Query Manager must enable Enforce publishing to a governed catalog in and choose a primary catalog that all virtualized objects that are created with the user interface will be published to. If this setting is enabled, users will not be able to choose the catalog that they publish to when they virtualize data. All assets will be published to the primary catalog automatically.
If publishing to a primary catalog is not enforced, a user can choose to publish to any catalog that they have the Manager or Editor role for. The user can choose the catalog from the drop-down list on the Virtualize page.
Do not remove this service ID from the catalog. It is required for automatic publishing to the primary catalog. The service ID will appear as Unavailable user in your selected primary catalog collaborators list and will have the Manager role assigned.
Before you begin
- Enable personal credentials. Navigate to Personal credentials. and enable
- Create an instance of the Cloud Object Storage service and configure IBM Knowledge Catalog to use it. For more information, see Configuring Cloud Object Storage for project and catalog creation.
- Authorize the Watson™
Knowledge Catalog service to access data in your Watson Query instance.
- Log in to your IBM® Cloud account where IBM Knowledge Catalog and Watson Query instances are provisioned.
- From the menu, select .
- Select Create + to create a new service-to-service authorization.
- Select IBM Knowledge Catalog service as the Source and Watson Query service as the Target.
- Select DataAccess role for service access.
- Click Authorize.
- Ensure that at least one data class exists in your account under .
- Ensure that the user who runs profiling runs it from the same IBM Cloud account that the Watson Query instance belongs to.
About this task
If you have the Watson Query Manager or Engineer roles, when you virtualize data by using the Watson Query console, your virtual data is published to a governed catalog automatically if you enforced publishing to a catalog. Otherwise, you can choose a catalog to publish your virtual data to.
Watson Query Managers, Engineers, and Stewards can publish virtual data to the catalog manually. Watson Query users with the User role can publish virtual objects that they created. Watson Query Managers can also enable enforced automatic publishing to a pre-selected catalog in the Watson Query service settings.
When you publish a Watson Query object to a catalog that does not yet have a Watson Query connection, a Watson Query connection is added automatically to the target catalog.
To manually publish virtual data to the catalog.
When published, virtual views have the type:view
tag assigned to them in
IBM Knowledge
Catalog to distinguish them from the
virtual tables.
When you publish a virtual table or view to a catalog, if a Watson Query connection from this Watson Query instance to the target catalog has not been created, it will be added automatically.
What to do next
If you want catalog collaborators to use virtual objects that you publish to the catalog, you must grant these collaborators access to those virtual objects. For more information, see Managing access to virtual objects.
Watson Query access control is not applied when data masking or row-level filtering applies to the preview in Watson services (other than Watson Query). The Watson Query internal access controls, which are controlled by using Manage access in the Watson Query UI, do not apply to the preview from the other Watson services with masking or row-level filtering. You must define your rules to manage access to the catalogs, projects, data assets, or connections for access control in the other Watson services.
The preview is subject to the data protection rules and catalog or project access control only.
Even though a user does not have access to query an object from Watson Query, they might be able to preview it in a catalog or project if they have access to that catalog or project the data asset.