Watsonx APIs
Last updated: Nov 27, 2024
Watsonx APIs

You can complete many of the tasks for watsonx programmatically with APIs.

To get started fast, go to the watsonx Developer Hub.

APIs for generative AI

You can work with foundation models programmatically to develop generative AI solutions by using:

For examples of how to use the foundation models Python library, see The ibm-watsonx-ai Python library.

APIs for machine learning

You can manage spaces, deployments, and assets programmatically by using:

For links to sample Jupyter Notebooks that demonstrate how to manage spaces, deployments, and assets programmatically, see Machine Learning Python client samples and examples.

APIs for AI Factsheets

You can manage settings, model entries, and report templates programmatically by using:

APIs for Watson OpenScale

You can manage data and settings for model evaluations programatically by using:

APIs for watsonx Governance console

If you have enabled the optional integration with the Governance console from IBM OpenPages, you can manage governance activities programmatically by using:

APIs for managing assets and collaborators

You can manage data-related assets and collaborators by using the Data and AI Common Core API.

APIs for connections

You can create connections by using the Connections in the Data and AI Common Core API.

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Parent topic: Getting started